Monday, September 30, 2013

Reflections on Day 25

The following was written and submitted by Nancy Morganweck on Day 25 of the 40 Days.

Good thing we have more days to come......

So why 40 days?? Could it be because some of us still haven't gotten to the real purpose?  Oh sure we read the scripture and meditations and we pray for the God-sized opportunities, and revival in CT and perhaps we are attending some of the 40 Days of Worship events.........but have we really changed?  Have we really had an encounter with The Living God?  Have we really done what we have been instructed to do by our God?  Have we turned from our fasting 'things' and turned to God in those times?  Have we taken that time and turned to the Word?  Have we taken that time and prayed?  Or have we just 'found other things' to do, other things to read on the computer instead of Facebook/blogs/commentaries?  Other things to do instead of sports, cell phones and television?  Are we just in truth turning to another 'idol' instead of the One we truly love and worship in our hearts.  Yes we love God, yes we love Jesus, yes we love The Holy Spirit, BUT do our lives and actions show/display this truth?  Do our actions show God that we love Him? 

As I encountered my time with God this morning, I was repenting of my lack of 100% commitment.  'Oh Lord, forgive me for not seeking you enough'....'Lord, forgive me for not praying enough - there are so many needs'....'Lord, forgive me, you know I don't feel well'.......'Lord, forgive me for giving in to temptation'....'Lord, forgive me, I am too tired at night to read your word and it is so much easier to do something on this mindless computer or watch/listen to a mindless show on television.'  

Even if I justify it in my mind, 'We all need down time, time to relax...'...I still did not do what you turn to you. But I did yesterday, or a couple of days ago.......that is like saying to our children "Well I gave you water & fed you food yesterday, you should be good with that".........NO, that is just not good enough, that is unacceptable, that is not life giving, that is NOT truth.  The truth is we need God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit all day just like we need food & water.  But it is more than that, sin/idols are preventing us from going deeper and until we walk in obedience, and die to our fleshy things, we will not have the fullness of His spirit, the fullness of His blessings, the fullness of Him. Even if I am too tired to read, or too tired to pray, am I too tired just to be WITH YOU Lord? Oh how sad is that.  How awful is that. Oh Lord, thank you for breaking my heart again and allowing me to see yours...that you just want to love us, be with us. 

Could it be that as we have just passed this mid point that God is trying to narrow down, and pinpoint more specifically His purposes in this 40 days for each of us individually?  Could it be that He is focusing on "Therefore, I urge you, brother, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship."  Romans 12:1 

Our 'spiritual act of worship' - did you catch that....we are worshiping God in these 40 Days as we offer our tired minds & bodies, our rebellious/defiant self centered fleshy selves as 'living sacrifices' - - sacrifice means pain, discomfort - the dictionary says slaughtering - wow - intense word - but it means 'killing' our fleshly desires and seeking to walk in the fullness of the spirit.  Basically, toughing it out, disciplining ourselves, denying ourselves- relying on Him every minute. 

I think we need 40 days because it is a long time.  I can make it through a week or two or even three, because there is 'a light at the end of the tunnel', but a month +, that is more difficult. That is where the 'rubber hits the road' and we see what we are really made of.  We see our sin/idol more specifically, we see our commitment to our God or lack of commitment to God, we see His loving kindness and tremendous grace and mercy, saying 'Come to me', allow me to strengthen you, fill you, meet you, be with you.  Allow me to help you, heal you, change you, discipline you, teach you...allow me to love you with everything that I AM. 

I for one, am not willing to give up on this journey, I am not willing to accept the choices I have made and allow them to define/rule me.  I am not willing to receive less than God's best for me.  I am not willing to allow my flesh/idol/sin to rule/enslave me.  I want the fullness of His spirit, I want the freedom that only He can give, I want to be obedient, I want to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh, I want all the blessings He has for me and my family, I want to redeem the time for the days are evil, I want Him to say 'Well done, my good and faithful servant'. 

What about you?  Are you with me?  Is this journey you are on worth offering yourself as a living sacrifice, for Him?  I hope prayer for all of us is that we remember  His ultimate sacrifice in laying down His life for us, willingly.

Led by the Spirit for His Glory -Nancy Morganweck

Nancy is a wife, homeschooling mother of three and devoted daughter of our King. She and attends Wintonbury with her family and serves in a variety of ministries such as SELAH Homeschool Group, Faith Quest and the Clothes Closet, just to name a few. 

1 comment:

Andre said...

Thanks for your post Nancy. I agree wholeheartedly...fasting is NOT about just avoiding food, sports, internet, or is about HUNGERING more and more for the Living God. Psalm 42:1-2! Yes Lord...give us a deep hungering for You!