Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day Five: Hearing Anything Yet?

Hey Wintonburyites!

Are you hearing anything yet? I've heard some really good reports...very encouraging! One man at our elder prayer time said that he had the most intimate experience of the presence of Christ in his life. Another told me that he has been fasting from TV and is seeing the benefits of pursuing the Lord with the freed-up time already. He's fired up! These are the EXACT kinds of fruits that we're hoping for...a deeper, wider thirst for the Living God who alone satisfies our souls!

This drenching outpouring is being reflected at the Days of Worship events as well. I have spoken to several people who have attended at least one event who are reporting tremendous times of worship with God's people. One told me that she had the most powerful worship experience in her life at the first event at Wellspring. Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow, I'll be sharing about the marks of spiritual revival...get ready because we're starting to see the early buds peeking through! Come Lord Jesus, Come!!!!


Curt B said...

I am amazed at all the Lord is doing in this newly committed time of prayer and fasting. So many of His children focused on the same matters of prayer, all reaching out for direction and help. It is beautiful to see the body working together.

Matthew 18:20
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Thank you Jesus for loving us and hearing the cries of our heart!

Nethead said...

The theme I keep seeing is that we need to do two things. 1. Keep our "ears" open. 2. Show up. Nothing can happen unless we do both. Even after Adam and Eve blew it they listened to what God said, and did what he told them to do. Hagar, an Egyptian, did the same. The Apostles came when Jesus called after the Resurrection, even the doubters. Then they did what he asked. Did they do it perfectly? Not hardly, but only God is perfect. The rest of us have to be content with being forgiven.