Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day One Reflections

Dear Wintonburyites!

Here we are - day one of our 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting! I am trusting and hoping that the Lord will glorify Himself through our time of pursuing Him first. I also hope and pray that the Lord will guide us in reference to the Six God-Sized Opportunities that are before us as a church body. The first of those, the one we pray for today, regards helping church planters Steve and Linda Thiel in their efforts to plant a local church in the I-91 corridor. Now to be honest, my first reaction to this proposal was fear. I thought to myself, "What if we lose a lot of families? How will we survive financially? What about volunteers we need? What about our friendships?" Lots of fears.

In spite of my fears, I knew in my mind that the Kingdom of God is more important than one local church...even if it is the one I love! With less than 5% of the population of Greater Hartford attending bible-believing churches on any given Sunday, there is obviously room and need for more local churches. My mind says, "Yes!" but my heart says, "No!" However, that is changing the more I seek the Lord Jesus first in prayer and fasting.

In addition, the Lord is helping me through circumstances and His people. At The Master's School this morning, one of the teachers shared what the Lord had put on her heart for this school year. I sensed the Lord saying it to me as well, "In your heart, Jesus is speaking, 'Do not fear.'" Let's not fear about the future in regards to finances, volunteers, Wintonbury, etc... If we are following God, He will guide us and provide for us by faith. Instead of sitting in fear, let's run by faith into what God has for us!


Michelle LeBlond said...

I am finding on the first day of prayer and fasting that I need to renew my relationship with the Lord. I have kept Him at a distance and I am realizing that I need to not be afraid to open myself up to the Lord. He is good and has what is best for me in mind at all times. Praise Him forever!

Unknown said...

As the first day is focused on the church plant on I-91 corridor I pray for God to speak to me about how I should be involved... or not. I see the obvious choice of a Suffield multi-site in our (Oswecki's) future, but do not want to be closed off for what God REALLY wants for my family.

Brett C said...

I sense God is moving all around us and there is intimacy with the Father being rekindled and for some of His children is being renewed. The sweet sensation of His presence is in our midst. He has been longing for us to join Him for some time now. Walking by faith today and in the days ahead is the call from on high. God is in the mountain moving business am i ready to join Him? Matthew 17:20 "You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."
Let's move some mountains today!

Anonymous said...

Anticipation is what I feel. So excited to be part of this pre-movement of God in CT. Thankful for church leaders at Wintonbury and in CT for leading us in this.
This is what is means to "Seek first the kingdom of God..." in community. Sensing that God is pleased with this effort. Prepare us Lord. Do a deep work in your people in CT, personally, in relationships,families, church fellowships. Bring us further into unity in whatever ways are necessary for You to bring revival to this state. You always start with Your people. Here we are, seeking You, Lord. Be glorified in this effort. You are worthy!

Anonymous said...

Could we all be praying for those who aren't sure of what God is asking them to 'fast' from, specifically for some of the older children. Praying this wouldn't be seen as just an adults only thing that God is doing, but they would see the importance of their part in this work He is doing at Wintonbury for the greater unity of the body of Christ.

Andre said...

Yes, good point. We do need to pray for our children to be part of what God is doing. Every revival in history as begun with the children/teenager group. Lord, move us as ONE...a BODY...not just individuals or adults. May Your WHOLE BODY, young and old, be joined and knit together for Your great glory! Amen!

David Paul said...

My 40 day journey has started off good, praise God,

Andre said...

Great to hear it David! Keep at it!